Monday, March 11, 2013

Fat Kid Mode

I like to think I'm in decent shape.  I mean, I sit at my desk all day long, but I do work out a lot, play basketball, and chase my 19-month old daughter all over the place.

My BMI is 23.7, which falls under the "normal" weight range.  I know it's towards the higher end of normal, but I like to think it's because I have so many big muscles.  Ha!  On my resume, it even says my interests include "fitness"... so, I must really be in good shape.

To take it a step further, I like eating healthy; I have no problems doing that.  Actually, I  really enjoy it.  Problem is, I love junk food too.

Double Bacon Cheese Burger
Cheeseburgers are probably the greatest thing ever invented.  I mean look at the last one I had this weekend:

My mouth is watering.  Just look at that thing! It's from a place in Long Island, cleverly named The Burger Spot, in case you were wondering.

For dinner tonight, I was craving a Chicago-style hotdog.  Before today, I've never even had an authentic one.  Now, I've had three... Wait, does it have to be from Chicago to be authentic?

Technically speaking, I don't even know what makes a hotdog officially "Chicago-style".  I probably should have researched it on Wikipedia or Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. 

My First Attempt at a Chicago-Style Hot Dog
Hard to see, but there is a hotdog under there.  Side note: Sorry to offend anyone from Chicago, if I made this incorrectly.  In my defense, it looks a lot like what I found on Google images.

Here's where the problem lies though.  Why did I eat three of these delicious hotdogs?  I would have been perfectly content with one.

At least I drank a Diet Pepsi, right?  Womp, womp.

To make things worse, I am normally at the gym about 4-5 times a week.  Over the past two weeks, I've gone a total of zero times.  I mean yes, I had a thumb injury and then a nasty virus I probably caught from that sweaty dude who sneezed on me on the train.  (Excuses, excuses.)

Why do I do this to myself?  I'll tell you why.  It's because my body randomly goes into Fat Kid Mode, and I can't stop it.  Sorry, fat kids.  I'm not making fun of you.  I think I'm making fun of me.

By the way, the hotdogs I made?  Solid.  Probably the best I've ever made.  Looking at the picture though, I should have put more tomatoes on.

Anyway, my first blog, and I'm already letting you in on my deep, dark secret.  Anyone else have Fat Kid Mode issues?